To achieve these goals and facilitate large-scale production of iPSCs, the team will conduct the following tasks:
Coming Soon
Improved capability to assess iPSC intracellular metabolic state in real time
Advanced understanding of iPSC metabolism in static and bioreactor cultures with aggregates and on microcarriers
Reliable TPE sensor developed with predictive power for iPSC pluripotency, growth rate, and productivity (CQAs)
Improved prediction and control of CQAs and outcomes for iPSC culture process using online sensing and KG-ML framework
Wang, K., Xie, W., & Harcum, S. W. (2024). Metabolic regulatory network kinetic modeling with multiple isotopic tracers for iPSCs. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 121(4), 1336–1354.
Zheng, H., Harcum, S. W., Pei, J., & Xie, W. (2024). Stochastic biological system-of-systems modelling for iPSC culture. Communications Biology, 7(1), 39–w.
Zheng, H., Xie, W., Ryzhov, I. O., & Xie, D. (2022). Policy Optimization in Dynamic Bayesian Network Hybrid Models of Biomanufacturing Processes. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 35(1), 66–82.
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MilliporeSigma/EMD Serono
Physical Sciences Inc
University of Massachusetts System