An Integrated Platform for Fully Automated, Continuous, & Real-Time Multi-Attributes Monitoring of Upstream Processes for Glycosylated Monoclonal Antibodies Production

The goal of this project is the development and validation of an integrated process analytical toolkit that enables fully autonomous and continuous monitoring of drug quality during biologics/biosimilars manufacturing.
Proteins/ Antibodies
Process control
Project status
97% Completed

Industry Need

  • The industry would benefit from a workflow that can rapidly monitor biological drug critical quality attributes (CQA) that can help enable advanced/continuous monoclonal antibody (mAb) biomanufacturing processes. 


The team will develop and validate integrated online sampling process analytical technology (PAT) workflows to rapidly monitor biological drug critical quality attributes (CQA) to enable advanced/continuous monoclonal antibody (mAb) biomanufacturing processes.  

The team will develop a PAT workflow called the ‘N-GLYcanyzer.’ N-GLYcanyzer integrates automated biologics sampling from upstream bioprocesses and mAb N-glycosylation analysis in real-time using integrated online sequential flow injection and liquid chromatography (LC).  

The project will consist of: 

  • Demonstration of downstream integration of N-GLYcanyzer with Agilent’s Infinity II Multisampler to monitor multiple CQA by means of InfinityLab Online LC Solutions in various bioreactor operational modes  
  • Upstream integration of Raman flow cell prior to the N-GLYcanyzer to continuously monitor/predict mAb glycoforms and validated by the PAT workflow 
  • Application of an integrated modeling framework to validate the PAT results and assess technoeconomic advantages for implementing real-time PAT with increased online sampling frequency  
  • Independent validation by a federal stakeholder of the N-GLYcanyzer workflow in a series of round robin tests using CHO cell lines producing NISTmAb and model biosimilar Trastuzumab  


Round robin validation of PAT workflow in collaboration with federal stakeholder that is currently deploying and testing the N-GLYcanyzer system

Development and application of a system based on flow injection technology for direct sampling, and integrated sample analysis using online LC/Raman based PAT to monitor multiple CQAs in an autonomous manner

Robust integration of Agilent’s online multisampler LC system and Endress’s Raman flow cell technology with N-GLYcanyzer sampler unit to allow analysis of samples drawn directly from bioprocess unit operation for multiple CQA analysis

Use mechanistic modeling to validate predictions from N-GLYcanyzer in actual fed-bath and perfusion upstream process at varying PAT sampling frequency

Use technoeconomic analysis to explore pros/cons of online vs. offline PAT


Gyorgypal, A., Potter, O. G., Chaturvedi, A., Powers, D. N., & Chundawat, S. P. S. (2023). Automated instant labeling chemistry workflow for real-time monitoring of monoclonal antibody N-glycosylation. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 8(10), 2423-2434.

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Project Lead

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Participating Organizations



Endress + Hauser Optical Analysis

Endress + Hauser Optical Analysis

University of Delaware

University of Delaware