Biomanufacturing Technician Apprenticeship Program
Program designed to meet industry employers’ needs and create a pipeline of qualified workforce talent, particularly among historically unrepresented populations in the industry.
Talent/ Pipeline development
Project status
100% Completed
Industry Need
The biomanufacturing industry needs a robust pool of qualified workforce talent, particularly among historically unrepresented populations.
The Biomanufacturing Technician Apprenticeship Program will offer free training to qualified applicants in the greater Boston, Massachusetts area in a Life Sciences Apprenticeship Program. Grant funds will be used to expand the Manufacturing Technician Apprenticeship Program from its pilot phase and support 3-4 cohorts of apprentices (40-60 individuals) over an 18-month period.
The program offers:
Broad-based outreach to recruit new candidates into the industry
Intensive, streamlined technical training
Paid on-the-job training
Other ongoing support
The program is supported by multiple employers committed to supporting training, providing robust, on-the-job apprenticeships, and hiring apprentices.
The program is being led by MassBioEd, a 501-c-3 non-profit organization founded in 2001 with a mission to build a strong and diverse life sciences workforce.
32 career changers received accelerated training in math, biology, chemistry, microbiology, and hands-on lab skills training from Northeastern University and began working at local life sciences companies including Pfizer, Thermo Fisher, and MIT Lincoln Labs.
Five employer partners repeated their participation in more than one cohort. One new employer joined the program based on evidence-based successes, even during the industry downturn. Many industry employers are still deeply committed to expanding the diversity of their workforce and increasingly open to considering candidates who might not have come from traditional academic backgrounds.
This apprenticeship program will help cultivate a pipeline of skilled workforce talent from historically underrepresented populations that can meet industry employers’ growing needs.
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