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Evaluation of an Automated Vapor Phase Hydrogen Peroxide Decontamination System for Rapid, Non-Residual Decontamination of Clinical Spaces

This study aims to establish optimal automated decontamination cycle parameters for clinical spaces containing only hard, non-porous surfaces such as a patient examination room, an ambulance, or a larger public common area.
Process control

Industry Need

  • During the initial phases of a pandemic, when healthcare resources are strained, having multiple effective methods for rapidly and safely decontaminating exposed facilities in clinics, hospitals, and inpatient transport vehicles are critical to preventing the further spread of infection and disease. 


Sentry Sciences teamed up with an Italian manufacturer of Vapor-Phase Hydrogen Peroxide (VPHP) generation equipment—who used the same technology to perform similar decontamination exercises in clinical and public spaces throughout Italy—to develop and release an automated decontamination system that employs both a mechanical ventilation system and catalyst to break down the hydrogen peroxide vapor into water and oxygen more quickly.  

This system monitors both relative humidity and hydrogen peroxide vapor concentration in real time. It uses this information for controlling and optimizing the gassing and aeration phases of the decontamination cycle. During this project, researchers investigated this new technology to determine optimum (e.g., shortest) cycle parameters for decontaminating public spaces containing only hard non-porous surfaces as quickly and safely as possible. 


Automated and used to successfully decontaminate small clinical spaces a decontamination technology that was originally developed for highly controlled manufacturing environments in which injectable pharmaceuticals are filled and sealed.

The project advanced the qualification of an automated, rapid, and recipe-driven decontamination method for clinical spaces that a service-level individual can deploy with minimal expertise in Vapor-Phase Hydrogen Peroxide (V-PHP, VHP) decontamination practices.

These methods can now be used to ensure public safety, especially during a pandemic, in settings such as hospital isolation rooms, patient transport vehicles, or exam / vaccine administration rooms in a doctor’s office or local retail pharmacy – spaces that may be nearly-continuously occupied by potentially sick individuals during a pandemic.

Demonstrated a consistent, rapid, 100% kill cycle for up to 6-log BIs in clinical spaces only containing hard, non-porous surfaces.

Simultaneously, this automated control circuitry further guarantees no bleaching or oxidative damage to sensitive surfaces occurs and no residues are left behind because the entire cycle operates at concentrations just below the dew point to avoid any liquid condensation and ensure the hydrogen peroxide vapor stays in the gas phase.

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Project Lead

SentrySciences LLC

SentrySciences LLC