Standard software allowing true plug and play of unit op components, reducing automation changes from months to days.
Proteins/ Antibodies
Project status
98% Completed
Industry Need
Automation changes take weeks to months, often on critical path for tech transfer.
Standard and software allowing true plug and play of unit op components.
Interchangeability Demonstrations – SMART O2 sensors from different vendors used to connect to same HMI using the DNP / MTP automation platform while in-process (Complete December 7, 2021).
Reconfigurability Demonstrations – added new processing capability (glucose control) during pre-process equipment setup without re-programming the HMI and process orchestration layer (Complete July 11, 2023) .
Randolph, P., Rode, C., Polilli, B., Fejoz, L., Reinbigler, R., Phillips, M., Hart, R., Erickson, J., Kaneshiro, S. Bringing Flexibility to Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing. Poster presentation at ICB, October 12, 2022.
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