Rapid Adventitious Agent Testing for Fail-Fast Process Decision-Making
The aim of this project is to implement a nonPCR probe-based method for rapid adventitious agent testing as part of a fail-fast screening strategy of various process components to inform rapid process decisions thus reducing financial and supply risk
Drug substance
Project status
100% Completed
Industry Need
Current biomanufacturing includes a long turnaround time between sampling for adventitious agent testing, AAT, and availability of actionable assay results.
Rapid and frequent screening for likely AAs so that contaminated batches can be dealt with in the earliest stages.
Constructed a panel of MTE probes by a BLAST search to determine 10-15 nt sequences that appear in viral genomes and not in host
Developed a heating/organic modifier protocol that removed secondary structure of ssDNA/ssRNA targets to yield a single peak; stable γPNA binding allowed probes to remain bound
Demonstrated an MTE protocol that gives runtime less than 10 mins. with 10-100 pM detection level
Developed an isotachophoresis (ITP) + MTE protocol that gives detection of well under 1 fM viral genome in a 20-30 min run
Rapid (< 1 hour) adventitious agent testing pathway for contaminated working cell bank cultures, raw materials, and bulk culture harvest lots.
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