Real-Time, Absolute Quantitation of Critical Bioprocessing Metabolites with the AI-powered PyxisTM Metabolomics Platform
Evaluate and validate Matterworks’ Pyxis metabolomics platform to improve bioprocessing. Pyxis provides rapid, absolute quantitation of ~150 metabolites across intracellular pathways. Also explore use of Pyxis for early detection/monitoring of glycoforms.
Drug substance
Process control
Project status
100% Completed
Industry Need
Methods and/or platforms for improving bioprocessing consistency and efficiency
The goal of this project is to evaluate and validate Matterworks’ Pyxis metabolomics platform to improve bioprocessing consistency and efficiency.
A proprietary consumable kit that can fit into current LCMS workflows and automated data processing will enable the analysis of cell lysates and media.
Pyxis provides rapid, absolute quantitation of ~150 metabolites across intracellular pathways that impact cell growth, protein production and processing, and glycosylation.
Project input from partners will provide important feedback to optimize Pyxis product specifications and help guide future development for at-line monitoring.
Develop Pyxis as a proprietary consumable kit that fits seamlessly into current LCMS workflows and automated data processing enable the analysis of cell lysates and media
Explore using Pyxis for early detection and monitoring of glycosylation activity impacting glycoform profiles and process excursions
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