Testbed for Improving Productivity and Quality of mRNA Vaccines

The goal of this project is to develop an innovative and efficient purification method for production of mRNA vaccines.

Industry Need

  • Industries producing mRNA vaccine technology must be prepared to respond rapidly and effectively to future pandemics 
  • Such a rapid response could be facilitated by more readily available infrastructure and methodologies for production and characterization of RNA products 


In this project, NC State University will: 

  1. Develop an in-situ mRNA product recovery downstream process based on a simulated moving bed (SMB) approach, using affinity chromatography supports. 
  2. Create a testbed that includes production and purification of RNA using in vitro transcription reactions, purification of mRNA using affinity chromatography, and characterization of the final product.  
  3. Create materials for hands-on and online training related to the process and the testbed, which can serve as the basis for professional and academic training programs. 


  • Develop an in situ mRNA product recovery downstream process based on a simulated moving bed (SMB) approach, using affinity chromatography​
  • Establish a testbed at BTEC, NC State University​ for production, purification and characterization of RNA ​
  • ​Provide hands-on and online professional and academic training programs​
  • Manufacture RNA samples and/or reagents at small scale 

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Project Lead

North Carolina State University

North Carolina State University