WORDE: A Biopharmaceutical Training Center to Promote Development of the Workforce, Outreach, Research, Diversity, and Education
Establishment of the WorDE Institute accomplished through faculty professional development and course development ultimately leading to a concentration in Biomanufacturing and Technology (BMT) at Delaware State University.
Talent/ Pipeline development
Project status
100% Completed
Industry Need
The Biopharmaceutical industry is experiencing a major workforce gap. It is difficult to find entry level candidates who are qualified and knowledgeable in this field. Moreover, the available pipeline of workers has historically been underrepresented with racial and ethnic minorities.
This project establishes the WorDE Institute that will support the on-site development of Biopharmaceutical Workforce, Outreach, Research, Diversity, & Education. The overall goal of this program is to prepare the next-generation of diverse and knowledgeable biopharmaceutical workers through curricular as well as hands-on resources and tools.
Outcomes include increased student inquiries in biomanufacturing courses, the development of a lab with up-to-date laboratory equipment, and the creation of a Biomanufacturing Curriculum.
The DSU WorDE Institute was established, the WorDE Logo and Website were designed and the WorDE video was created for marketing biomanufacturing.
Through training of faculty, purchase and installation of equipment, creation and approval of a concentration in biomanufacturing technology, a WorDE Institute will be created at Delaware State University.
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