The University of Delaware and team aim to develop innovative modular technologies to produce cell therapies with improved scalability, enhanced consistency and efficacy, and the potential for reduced cost.
A prototype technology recently was established that integrates scalable, functionalized soft membranes into a flow-based device for enhancing T cell transduction and promoting T cell activation (completed PC3.1-132).
This work (PC5.2T-108) will build from this successful prototype to address more processing steps and other cell therapies, facilitated by the growth of our academic-industrial partnerships. Specifically, the goals of this project are to:
Establish workflows for enhancing the transduction of difficult-to-transduce cell types
Establish functionalities and workflows for cost-effective, short-term rapid T-cell processing steps.
Demonstrate devices for longer-term T-cell processing steps including closed-loop phenotype selection, activation, expansion, and transduction
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University of Delaware
MilliporeSigma/EMD Serono