Innovative scalable technologies for production of cell therapies

The project aims to produce innovative modular technologies for the production of cell therapies with improved scalability, enhanced co, consistency, and efficacy, and the potential for reduced cost.
Cell and Gene therapies
Process control
Project status
81% Completed

Industry Need

  • Cell therapies, such as chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells, are increasingly important for treating cancer and other maladies. 
  • Production of such therapies involves a series of time intensive steps that have been translated from cell biology laboratory-based procedures. 


The University of Delaware and team aim to develop innovative modular technologies to produce cell therapies with improved scalability, enhanced consistency and efficacy, and the potential for reduced cost

A prototype technology recently was established that integrates scalable, functionalized soft membranes into a flow-based device for enhancing T cell transduction and promoting T cell activation (completed PC3.1-132).  

This work (PC5.2T-108) will build from this successful prototype to address more processing steps and other cell therapies, facilitated by the growth of our academic-industrial partnerships. Specifically, the goals of this project are to: 

  • Generate workflow designs for prototype operation in different processing steps individually and in combination for scalable production with improved sterility, selection, transduction, activation, and expansion of desired T cell phenotypes, and  
  • Translate the device to other cell types (macrophages, natural killer cells, induced pluripotent stem cells) for establishing prototypes for transduction of these difficult-to-transduce primary human cells and of relevance for manufacturing of cell therapies for immunoengineering.


Establish workflows for enhancing the transduction of difficult-to-transduce cell types

Establish functionalities and workflows for cost-effective, short-term rapid T-cell processing steps.

Demonstrate devices for longer-term T-cell processing steps including closed-loop phenotype selection, activation, expansion, and transduction


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Project Lead

University of Delaware

University of Delaware

Participating Organizations



MilliporeSigma/EMD Serono

MilliporeSigma/EMD Serono