Merck-NJII Biopharmaceutical Training Acceleration Proposal (BTAP)

The purpose of the Merck-NJII Biopharmaceutical Training Acceleration Proposal (BTAP) is to provide funding for the development of a training program to enable incumbent employees in the biopharmaceutical industry
Incumbent worker training
Talent/ Pipeline development
Project status
100% Completed

Industry Need

Stringent manufacturing processes and regulatory requirements create the conditions for a skilled workforce in biologic manufacturing and bioprocess development. Shortage of trained talent is a challenge for companies engaged in producing biologic therapies. There is a critical need for training to keep pace with the advancement of these technologies. With the increasing global demand for novel biologic therapeutics, many mid- and large-sized pharmaceutical companies need avenues to train existing and new employees to work in these fast-expanding domains.

No standards currently exist which define the specific biologics process and manufacturing roles and associated competencies needed, thus adding to the challenge of training the biologics workforce. Training programs in biologics manufacturing, to the degree they exist, are created company by company at high cost and offering workers no portability of their competencies. The need is ripe for an industry-wide training curriculum that can be used to prepare incumbent and new workers for positions associated with biopharmaceutical manufacturing.


Development of a training program to enable incumbent employees in the biopharmaceutical industry to acquire

competencies in bioprocess development and manufacturing operations. The training program is designed to provide a cost-effective, scalable model for use across the

industry and is structured in three sequential phases to determine training gaps, develop curriculum aimed at closing gaps, and establish training protocols and standards. The primary objective of the training program will be to accelerate workforce staffing to keep pace with the rapid growth of biopharmaceuticals, establish standards

of worker proficiency, enhance employee satisfaction, and expand the qualified talent pool available to biopharma manufacturers.


  • Identification of a gap (continuous biologics manufacturing) was determined
  • Equipment cost estimate
  • Course design
  • Training plan

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Project Lead

New Jersey Innovation Institute

New Jersey Innovation Institute

Participating Organizations

Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC

Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC